Customer Testimonials

Quick-Tach Teeth

I received the Westendorf Cool Cap Canopy for my John Deere 4310 today.  It took less than 1 hour to install.  All the parts and hardware were there.  First time in a while I have put something together that wasn't missing even a single washer.  The instructions were well written and easy to follow.  Must have been written by someone in this country. (American English).

Gary B. Spring - Cambridge, OH

I really like the quick-tach bucket teeth.  They work really good for scooping manure, an you were the only company I found that had a quick-tack style so the teeth don't need to be bolted on.  When I want them off they're off and when I want them on, they're on in just a few minutes.  That's quite a patent and loader you have.  I like everything about my TA-28 loader - It's the best.  I clear a lot of manure, as I have a lot of cattle.  I use it to haul wood and handle brush.  It's got good lift height (over 13') and works great for stacking bales.  I couldn't get along without it!

Chester Speer - Maywood, MO