Customer Testimonials

Gravity Flow Box

I'm 71 years old and have farmed all my life. Over the years I have owned 24 Westendorf gears, 2 front-end loaders, and a grapple fork. I trust Westendorf--they are built real heavy duty.

Joe Stoll - Primghar, IA

My family & I were talking with a gentleman from Westendorf last Friday at your display at the Iowa State Fair, and we were telling him about the old 1940's Westendorf running gear that I had just restored. This running gear was a hay wagon when my Grandfather had it. I am getting ready to replace the wood and fix it back to a hay wagon for parades (and just for fun).
I was around 10 years old when my Grandfather would have me drive the tractor and pull this wagon. I lost my Grandfather back in the 90's. We found this running gear in the field where we previously stored the hay. The running gear was good as new when we found it. I am 41 years old, and I am very lucky to have my parents, as my Dad has been a big part of the restoration of this wagon.
Here are a couple of pictures I thought I would send you.

Todd Whitehead - Des Moines, IA